Hearing Health Blog

Seven Unmistakable Signs You Should Get a Hearing Test

Bananas don’t taste the same as they once did. There are rather different varieties of bananas being grown nowadays by banana farmers. Today’s banana can develop successfully in a wide variety of climates, are more resilient, and can develop faster. They don’t taste the same either. So how did this swap take place without us […]

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Is There a Cure for Hearing Loss?

Is There a Cure for Hearing Loss?

New cures are always being discovered. That might be a positive or a negative. You may think that you don’t really have to be all that careful about your hearing because you saw some promising research about possible future cures for deafness. By the time you begin exhibiting symptoms of hearing loss, you think, they’ll […]

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$20,000 – or More – a Year? Just for Wearing a Hearing Aid?

Have you avoided the calls from friends, family, and co-workers to finally get a hearing aid? Do you think that right now you really don’t need a hearing aid or that you’re not missing enough to justify purchasing one? If your hearing continues to worsen, it could cost you as much as $30,000 per year, […]

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Post Covid-19 Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Post Covid-19 Sensorineural Hearing Loss

You may develop hearing loss as you get older, especially if you frequently expose yourself to loud noise. Hearing loss might be in your future, for instance, if you work on a loud factory floor without ear protection. These are pretty common and well recognized causes of hearing loss. But there’s a new fighter in […]

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Helpful Safety Tips for People With Hearing Loss

For you and the people you love, coping with hearing loss can take some work to adjust to. It can also come with some perils. What’s going to happen if you can’t hear a fire alarm or someone calling your name? Car sounds can indicate dangers ahead, but if you have untreated hearing loss, you […]

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Hearing Aids – Top Ten Benefits

Hearing Aids – Top Ten Benefits

Hearing loss can seriously effect how you live, even when it’s mild. There will be a dramatic change in the way you interact with loved ones, friends, and coworkers. It can become a challenge to complete daily tasks like going shopping. But that doesn’t mean it has to be all doom and gloom. If you […]

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What’s the Link Between Hearing Impairment and Dementia?

Want to suck all the fun out of your next family gathering? Start to talk about dementia. The subject of dementia can be very scary and most individuals aren’t going to purposely discuss it. A degenerative cognitive disease in which you gradually (or, more terrifyingly, quickly) lose your cognitive faculties, dementia forces you to lose […]

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Your Diet Could be Closely Tied to Your Tinnitus Symptoms

You’re feeling hungry so you look in your fridge for a little bite to eat. Are you craving a salty treat… maybe some crackers? Potato chips sound good! Hold up. Maybe this leftover slice of cheesecake. On second thought, maybe you should just have a banana. After all, a banana is a much better health […]

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Hearing Aids Are Not “One Size Fits All”, Here’s Why

No two instances of hearing loss are the same You should not expect your experience with impaired hearing to be exactly the same as someone else who may have the same hearing loss condition. Each case of hearing loss is different. While it may be advantageous to learn about someone else’s experience with hearing loss, […]

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You Can Still Enjoy the Holiday Season Despite Hearing Loss

Gatherings. More, and more family gatherings. It likely feels like you’re meeting or reuniting with every relative you have, every weekend, during the holidays. That’s the charm (and, some would say, the curse) of the holiday season. Usually, it’s easy to look forward to this annual catching up. You get to find out what everyone’s […]

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    Tampa, FL

    3825 Henderson Blvd
    Suite 600
    Tampa, FL 33629

    Call or Text: 813-686-6858

    Mon-Thu: 8am – 4:30pm
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